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Apache HBase is the Hadoop database, a...

Publié le 30 Avril 2013 par Nicolas Hachet dans apache, hbase, sgbd, database, bigdata

Apache HBase is the Hadoop database, a distributed, scalable, big data store. http://t.co/b7rn5tgb18 #apache #hbase #sgbd #database #bigdata Nicolas Hachet (@nicolashachet) April 30, 2013 Use Apache HBase when you need random, realtime read/write access...

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MySQL 5.6: an inside perspective -...

Publié le 6 Avril 2013 par Nicolas Hachet dans mysql, bdd, database

MySQL 5.6: an inside perspective -...

MySQL 5.6: an inside perspective - http://t.co/oe1JTzjpM6 #mysql #bdd #database Nicolas Hachet (@nicolashachet) April 06, 2013 We had to adapt our code to compile and work with MySQL 5.6 while keeping 100% compatibility with MySQL 5.5. As much as we could,...

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